Dalton-le-Dale History Society

Parish Hall

The WI hut was located to the east of Dale Terrace, on the site of the present Parish Hall. Local village ladies established the organisation using a building rescued from WW2. The land was freehold and was taken over for the benefit of the local community. Many activity groups used the hall and in 1976 an extension was built to accommodate a toilet and wash room. Many photographs exist showing events such as WI Dinners / Shows / Social Gatherings and many more, evidence of a thriving community. Alas, all great things come to an end and the building deteriorated and became unfit for purpose.

Eventually the hut was replaced with a new building more suitable for community activities. The Parish Hall now forms the base for the new Community Association and is available thanks to the generosity of the WI who still own the land.

Parish Hall - Then Parish Hall - Now